Hair and Makeup: Beauty and the Beast

 Beauty and the Beast Hair & Make up

Please come to each show with basic stage makeup already done! 

Why Stage Makeup 

Everyone who is on stage, NEEDS makeup. Parents often ask what stage make up is for, and why they have to use it, even on boys. The reason for wearing stage makeup is simple: the audience needs to be able to see the actors’ faces. If they don’t wear makeup, the audience cannot see your child’s face due to the distance between the performer and the audience, as well as stage lighting at the theatre which flattens facial features and takes away all of the dimensions that allow an actor’s expressions to be seen clearly. Performance makeup is also part of the costume, it’s the finishing touch. The costume should never outshine the face. 


 Before applying any makeup please wash your face and then add moisturizer. This will help the makeup come off easily without irritating the skin. 

1st apply Base/Foundation (same shade or just slightly darker than child’s skin tone)—Apply over entire face, blending out to hairline.

 2nd Darken eyebrows with eyebrow pencil—Brown for blondes; black or brown for brunettes

 3rd apply brown eyeshadow—Apply in “crease” of eyelid to open eye. Please choose dark browns with no purple undertones*. 

4th use Brown eyeliner—On top of eye: apply liner across eyelid, extending out beyond eye (wings). On bottom: apply from center of eye straight out to make a parallel line with upper “wing”. 

5th apply Mascara-- dark brown or black

 6th use Dark blush—Apply to apples of cheeks. Dark rose (girls). Dark peach (boys). NO purple undertones*. IF YOU ARE WEARING A MIC, DO NOT APPYL BLUSH BEFORE COMING! The mics do not stick to blush well. It needs to be applied after the mic has been taped. 

7th Lipstick— Dark rose for girls playing females. Do not buy a lipstick that looks bright red; it will look unattractively bright and pink on the lips. For Boys and Girls playing male characters: Buy mocha/brown lipstick. Burt’s Bees makes a great tinted chapstick. Most boys prefer this to putting on lipstick. 

*Makeup with purple and blue undertones causes the face to look ill on stage. 

Special makeup instructions

Maurice & Monsieur Darque & Lady with a Cane: Please apply age lines to your face. This can be applied with easy wash off face paint. Many simple tutorials are available on youtube.

Babette and Madame: Make your makeup much heavier than previously stated. We want an over-exaggeration.


Beauty and the Beast is set in the mid-1700s in France. You can look at the live-action Beauty and the Beast movie to get inspiration for how hair would have looked. You can google it and see still-framed photos. 

Villagers, Patrons: Girls please have your hair pulled back into ponytails or buns (no high ponies please).  We need to see a clear face.

Castle Servants: Girls please have your hair pulled back from your face (no high ponies).

Wolves: Style the hair a little wild if possible using gel or mousse to help with the wolf look.

Maurice, Monsieur Darque, Lady with a Cane: Please age your hair. I’ve found the simplest way is to use white/black washable face paint. It comes out so easily but you’re welcome to use hair sprays or dyes as well.

Sausage Curl Girl: Please come in sausage curls.

Bookseller: Have hair neatly styled.

Narrators: Pull sides back so your hair is out of your face.

Babette: Pull sides back or a bun. Any hair hanging out should be curled.

All other Main Parts: Style your hair to match your character in the live action show as much as possible. 

March 1st will be our day of cast photos/recording. Please come with full hair and makeup done. 

If you have any questions or need any help, text or call me, Caroline Kowallis 801-513-7894
