Announcing the 2022-2023 Musical!

Announcing the 2022-2023 Musical!

We are very excited to announce that we will be doing the musical Willy Wonka Jr. next year!

We anticipate following the same schedule as past years with two parent meetings options in November, auditions in December, and rehearsals January-March. Main parts will have two December rehearsals. Rehearsals will be likely Tuesdays and Fridays with some Wednesday rehearsals.

Show dates will be March 3-4.

Important Dates We Anticipate*

·        December 1-2: Auditions (K-3 December 1 and 4-6 December 2). Required for all.

·        December 9: Callbacks (by invitation only)

·        January 3: Full cast first rehearsal (again, main parts will have two December rehearsals)

·        March 3-4: Performances

We are in need of a couple more helpers for the show. If you would like to help, contact Valerie at 435-881-3757. It is a lot of fun to help create this wonderful opportunity for the kids! We especially need 1-2 more choreographers.

*Dates could change; this is the current plan. 
